Keeping the faith is about sticking to your promises, knowing you have done the right thing by sticking by your friends in times of trouble. These are perhaps old fashioned values, honor, loyalty, trust, pride, support, fidelity, reliability, dependability, strength, seeing things through , constancy. But we're no less worth having all that. We love in a throw away society and keeping your words about being there when you said you would, being dependable and reliable makes you stand out as a person of some value.
We feel shy of being 'good' these days in case people mistake us for 'goody-goodies', but that's another thing entirely. Keeping the faith is something you do. Being a goody-goody is when you try to convert others. Having your own values and keeping them to yourself is fine. Trying to make everyone else do the same as you isn't a good idea. It doesn't apply to me because I am only giving out information, not trying to convert you*winks*. It is entirely up to you to decide whether you pick up this information and run with it. But I can guarantee you that the m information I give you today will be the same information I would give you in 20 years to come.
Rule 24:- loading........
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