50 Days With AZINMAGBA JOHN(Day 24)


No, I am not about to reveal the secret people have sought since the beginning of time, 'where true happiness comes from.' But I do know where it isn't to be found and I do have an idea where it might be.
Let's take this scenario for instance, you go out to buy a new car, house, suit, phone or whatever turns you on. After buying, it makes you happy, excited, and fascinated. Now imagine whoever it was who built,made and created whatever you have bought, when they made it where did they fit/fix that feeling in it? I think you brought the feelings with you from home or where ever u came from.
Now imagine you feel in love , it's again incredible. You feel happy again, you go to meet your new love and when you see them that feeling spills out in all directions. You may feel amazing because you are with them and they are generating that feelings right? No you are wrong, again you brought that feelings with you. You may look at them to trigger it but if they go to the other end of the planet ,you still have that feeling and they are nowhere near you.
You get fired , you get the brown envelope, you walk away devastated. You feel sad and down. Now where in that documentation is the sad feelings you have now written. No amount of falling in love , buying new stuff or getting sacked is going to keep those feelings going for longer than it takes us to get over it. People get addicted to buying new stuff or falling  in love or whatever because they love that feelings without realising that they already have it. They have to keep having their 'fix' because they think its the only way to get that feelings going. In a but shell you don't need to buy anything or get a new boyfriend/girl friend to make you happy. It's like heroine, that euphoria will surely pass away and then its back to your gloom.
The secret is knowing how to trigger it without anyone else or anything else being involved maybe repainting your house,pimping your car, giving your partner the best look.it's better you find this yourself .Clue; its the one place you never think of looking , yep right inside you.

Rule 25 :- loading......

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