50 Days With AZINMAGBA JOHN(Day 2)

There is an assumption that as we get older we will get wiser, not true I'm afraid. The truth is that we carry on being just as daft, still making plenty of mistakes ( new and different ones). The secret is to accept this and not to beat yourself up when you make new ones(mistakes).
Looking back, we can always see the mistakes we made but we fail to see the ones looming up. We do learn from experience and may not make the same mistakes again, but there is a large pool of fresh ones lying in patience for us to trip and fall.
Also, the older you get, the more areas you are bound to make mistakes in. There will always be new genre of experiences where we have no guild lines and where we will handle things badly. The more flexible we are , the more adventurous ,the more life embracing and the more new avenue to explore and of course make mistakes.
Just be kind to yourself when you muck things up, be forgiving and accept its all part of that growing older but not wiser routine. Also remember that all rules that apply to you has to do with everyone around you, they are getting older too and not any wiser particularly.
Once you accept this you'll be more forgiving and kinder towards yourself and others.

RULE 3:- loading.......

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