50 Days With AZINMAGBA JOHN(Day 3)


People make mistakes, sometimes very serious ones which are not deliberate or personal. Sometimes people don't just know what they are doing. This means that, if in the past people have behaved badly towards you, it wasn't necessarily because they meant to be horrid but because they were naive, foolish , and as human as the rest of us.
Accept that which is done as done and you need to just get on with things. Don't use the label "good" and "bad". Yes I know some of it is indeed bad but it is how we let it affect us that is the real BAD.But you will let them go, embrace them as character forming and in general as positive not negative.
You need to realise that even if we could get all the people who had "done us wrong", there would still be nothing they can do. We could shout at them,berate them, rant at them , but there would still be nothing to amend the past. They too would have to accept, that what is done, is done. There is no going back, only forward. Its true you can't mend a broken egg but you can fry the hell out of it.
        Make it a motto for life : KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

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