Dear Chandrika: Conversations with my missing wife

Where have you been, Chandrika?
Oh, many places. All at the same time. Can you
believe that?
When will you be back?
Your guess is as good as mine.
For good. That is.
What if I am gone for good?
K.S. Narendran wrote these words, an inner
dialogue with his wife of 25 years, Chandrika
Sharma. She was one of 239 people aboard
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 when it disappeared a
year ago on March 8. Narendran still struggles at
leading a life without her, as is revealed in the
rest of his imagined conversation:
I have been thinking about a good long chat with
you, Chandrika.
About time, don't you think? What has taken you so
long? Silly question. You always took far too long.
The time you take to think, go through conversations
in your head. Was I even needed to be around?
The mystery of Flight 370

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