X-factor judges fired for incredibly harsh comments.

*wallahi*... If i were that contestant,nothing would stop me from sticking my shoes into their face... I'm not violent but come on...those statements were really uncalled for regardless of how bad the contestant performed. Last night on X Factor both Kills and Moon made comments that were completely unacceptable,”
Mark Weldon, producer on the show, said in a
statement. While the judges on X Factor are
expected to provide critiques of the performances,
we will not tolerate such destructive tirades from
any of the judges.Contestants put their all into
this competition and they should expect to receive
feedback and criticism that is professional and
constructive. We no longer have confidence that
Kills and Moon are the right people to perform
the role of X Factor judges and they will leave the
show, effective immediately.”
Here are comments they made:..

“As an artist who respects creative integrity and
intellectual property, I am disgusted with how
much you have copied my husband. From the
hair, to the suit, do you not have any value or
respect for originality? You’re a laughing stock,
it’s cheesy, it’s disgusting, I personally found it
absolutely artistically atrocious,” the 28-year-old
entertainer said to the contestant’s face. “I am
embarrassed to be sitting here in your presence,
having to even dignify you with an answer of my
“To me it just seems a little bit cheap and
absurd. It’s like Norman Bates dressing up in his
mother’s clothing. It’s just a little bit creepy,”
Willy added “I feel like you’re going to stitch
someone’s skin to your face and then kill
everybody in the audience.” But the blood bath
continued when Natalia chimed in once again.
“I’m going to say it. It’s disgusting. You make me
sick. It’s absolutely disgusting. You have no
identity. I can’t stand it. I’m ashamed to be here,”
Natalia added.
Horrible couple if you ask me.
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