50 Days With AZINMAGBA JOHN(Day 18)

Be prepared to be a little bit brave everyday. If don't you will  grow stagnant and mouldy or curl up and wither.
We all have our shells where we feel  safe and warm and dry. But every now and then we need to step outside and be challenged, be frightened, be stimulated. Its this way we remain young and feel good about ourselves.
If you grow too attached to your comfort zone/our shells, chances are it will either start to shrink or something will come along and crack it. Expanding your comfort zone makes you feel good, gives you extra confidence. You don't have to go hang-gliding or fire- walking or have a fling with a stranger just to test your comfort zone. It might be as simple as volunteering for something that you have never done before that you feel slightly nervous about. It could be taking up a new sport or hobby( practising this rules) . Maybe it will involve joining something. It could be doing something alone that you have only done in company or group before or speaking up for yourself when you would usually keep quite.
We impose a lot of restrictions on ourselves that limit us, hold us back, keeps on a tight leash. We think we couldn't do that , wouldn't feel happy with that. Taking this challenge of expanding our comfort zone brings us out of ourselves and keeps us learning and growing . You can't and won't grow mouldy if you are growing experience.
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