50 Days With AZINMAGBA JOHN(Day 19)


To get the most out of life you have to keep all your options open, keep your thinking and life flexible. Once your thinking gets crystallized, rigid , coagulated , you have lost the battle(not entirely though) You have to be ready to roll as the storm breaks. Flexible thinking is a bit like mental martial art being ready to duck and weave, dodge and flow. Try to see life not as the enemy but as a friendly sparring partner. If you are flexible you'll have fun.(don't go spraining your bones to become flexible o)
You have to see life as  series of an epic adventure , each adventure is a chance to have fun, learn something new, explore the world ,expand your circle of experience and friend , broaden your horizons. Shutting down to adventure means exactly that you are shut down.
One thing about a flexible thinker is that they know when to say 'no' as well as when to say 'yes'. If you want to know how flexible your thinking is ,here are some couple of test. Are the books by your bed side the same sorts of books you've always read? Have you found yourself saying anything like  ' I don't know any person like that ' or 'I don't go to those kind of places '? If so , then perhaps its time to broaden your mind and take those shackles off your thinking.
P.S--- this doesn't mean you have to be a YES man. Play it cool
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