Every action you take, every decision you make , everything you do causes an immediate effect on those around you and yourself too. There is a thing called Karma. It is your bed and you are going to lie in it. Your action will dictate whether in general your life is going to run happily
or badly, smoothly or as if the wheels have fallen off. If you are selfish and manipulative, it will rebound on you. If you are loving and thoughtful you will get your just reward not in heaven or the next life nor what ever you believe but right here, right now.It's a bit like the old adage 'you are what you eat', you are what you do. Look at the face of those who spread joy and you will see laughter and smiles. Look at those who like to bully and get their own way,they are arrogant or demanding or vicious and you will see etched lines of misery and fear and frown where there ought to be lightness. These lines won't ever be taken away by face creams or suntans or plastic surgery. That is what they do and you can see it in their eyes. It's the state of their bed.
So be careful how you make your bed. What goes around , comes around. There is instant Karma, what you sow you reap. Better to stand hop and be counted right from the start. Do the right thing every time. You know what it is. Then when you get in your bed which you've made, not only you will be able to sleep at night but you will sleep the sleep of the just ( free mind).
Trust me , whatever you do and how you do it will come back to you in spades. This isn't a threat but merely an observation. Those who do good get good , those who do bad get bad.
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